Zurich and Amsterdam June 2018 Day 8

Hi again,

Today we are spending the day in Amsterdam. First stop is Galerie Rob Koudijs. 

This was a poetic piece by a Japanese artist named Takayoshi Terajima. You choose one of the pieces and then send him something special to fold up inside and you will get back a pendant like the one on the left. I love this idea.
Shachar Cohen
Adam Grinovich

These are from a show called "Where the Hell are my Keys?" by Nhat-Vu Dang whose parents were boat people from Vietnam who were picked up by a Dutch boat. The shards of clay at the top are either Dutch Delft or Vietnamese blue ware and the metal at the bottom is an etched version of the image on the ceramics. Shows the crossover between Dutch and Vietnamese china and is his journey in life. Its a lot for a little shard to carry.

                        Bettina Speckner                               A ring by Benedikt Fischer that I am kind of                                                                                                                             lusting after
On our way to Galerie Ra these are a few sights. Houseboat and beautiful vine.

Here we are at Galerie Ra

The main shows are Threse Hilbert and Patricia Domingues
               Jasmin Matzakow -This was in Munich too        Paul wearing a Tine Steen sweater necklace

After lunch at the Rijks again we when next door to the Stedelijk Museum to see a great show by Studio Drift. The main creators are Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta. They study the relationship between Human/Nature and Technology. They started out working with dandelions. They took one apart and reassembled onto a light source.
All these are little dandelion puffs with lights inside.

The blocks on the left represent the ingredients in a dandelion.
And similarly for a VW
These lights react to an approaching viewer just like a flight of birds that perceives the presence of a threat by lighting up.
In order to appreciate this work you need to see it moving and interacting so have a look at this video and search for others if you are intrigued. I can't figure out how to get the ones I took to work on this.

From the permanent collection of the Stedelijk Museum. All so Dutch.

The only jewelry we could find. Gijs Bakker and Emmy van Leersum...

And Ted Noten

After a couple of hours rest, we went to dinner in the Takido restaurant in the Conservatorium Hotel.

I was expecting it to be delicious but surprisingly it wasn't so great. The California Roll was dry and nowhere as good as those from Robata.

So the Karl Fritsch ring and I bid you a good day.

Hugs, Susan
