Zurich and Amsterdam June 2018 Day 9

Hi again,

Well, it's almost over. Only one more day after this one and that will not be a big post. Today we had a free day and so we visited Droog, the famous Dutch conceptual design company started by Gijs Bakker and Renny Ramakers. They are funny and very inventive as you will see. They have a shop/cafe/display/hotel (with one room) near our hotel so we started there.

I bet you recognized some of those pieces - Droog was stated in 1993 and some of these have been around since then. I love the chair made of metal with a sledgehammer nearby to pound it into shape.
Now we are on our way to the Rijksmuseum to see some old stuff. Here is the cyclists' passage at the museum. 

Musicians again.

First, we wanted to see the Asian pavilion which is surrounded by a pool of water and is slightly adjacent to the old museum itself.

Then we moved on to the Rennasiance, Rembrandt, Veermer sections.

Two Dollhouses included here especially for the little kids in the family.

Here is a cabinet that epitomizes all that is wrong with the Western world in its desire to conquer other cultures. Racism and Religion combine to make a beautiful but ugly-spirited cabinet.

There were these tulip vases all over and Damian decided he wanted one so we discussed them a lot. This one is close to 6 feet tall.

Here is a copy in the restaurant with flowers.

On our way back to the hotel we stopped in a few antique shops - this one was particularly cluttered.

A few sights on the way. Notice the chandelier in the houseboat.

We have arrived at the lovely Radisson Blu lobby.

That's it for today. Are you tired yet? I know I am.

Hugs, Susan
