NYC Jewelry Week Day 4


You may be relieved to know that my day was taken up with an AJF board meeting and lunch so I saw very few things of interest to you my faithful readers.

My first stop was Pace Gallery where they were having an Agnes Martin and Navajo Blanket exhibition. I wanted to see this show when it was in Palo Alto but missed it so I was delighted that it opened today in NYC so I could see it here. There is a connection between the two if only in the reverence and spiritual quality we feel coming from both. The Agnes Martins are impossible to photograph so please forgive and try to imagine how they really looked. There is a lovely subtle texture when you look at them up close.

Then we went to the 2 locations of Jack Shainman Gallery to see the Nick Cave show whose work I have been following for a while. This was a very powerful show about African Americans and America. There are faces,  fists, handkerchieves and tears, and mega phones. You can hear the rage  and fear behind it all. Phew! So long in coming.

To finish off the day I went to a construction site where the students at New Paltz set up a long table with their work. I particularly liked the work by one student who did extremely delicate things.

Myra Mimlitsch Gray is a professor at the school and this was one of hers on display.

And that is it for today. I have one more day here and then home.

