Munich March 2019 Day 5


Again the day started early with an AJF panel discussion called The Next Generation of Gallerists, moderated by Bella Neyman and including Atty Tantivit, Atta Gallery; Karen Roy Andersson, Four; Irene Belfi, Irene Belfi; Elena and Chiaralice Rizzi, Oh My Blue; Jenna Shaifer, Ombre Gallery. The discussion was around how to develop an audience for this kind of jewelry.... and although these were all young gallerist and had recently started their galleries this is the same concern and conversation all us old dealers have had for decades. They do have the advantage of the internet but when it comes down to it it still depends on relationships developed in person.

The bus picked a small group of us up again today and the first stop was Idiomatic - A Jewelry Conversation between France and Germany.

Announcement on the floor of the space

Then we proceeded to In Memoriam to Juliane Noack which is a non-profit association named after a jeweler who died at a very young age in a plane crash and an organization was started in her memory. It is giving out awards to other young jewelers. They had an exhibition and also showed work by this years award winner - Carina Shoshtary.

On our way to the next spot the group walked past a big tree of witch hazel. I am so taken by this tree with the yellow blooms in March. Oh and did I mention that it has been raining these two days? It was very cold yesterday and today is better but still raining and windy.

Then we stopped in at Galerie Beyond's beautiful space. The white pieces are some kind of marble dust with a resin which the artist- Patricia Domingues carved and then broke off the top so the flatter pieces fit on the columns perfectly. I found it quite magical. And the gallery owner René Darmont.

On to The Sacred and The Profane at Galerie Weltraum. You know I like nothing better than the sacred and the profane- what a messy world.

Now it was time to visit two shows coming from Cranbrook. Time Past with Iris Eichenberg and Marta Costa Reis (who is Portuguese) and then an alumni show called Full Disclosure.

The student work and display... kind of strangely fleshy and saggy.

And something new from Rebekah Frank who is an alumna of Cranbrook

Ok we are more than half way through the day... are you going to make it?

Next came an interesting and engaging show called Overreacting: Jewelry Speaks Feminism and Gender. Don't you love the title? Aleah Berman, who was part of our group modeled the sexy necklace.

Then Patti Bleicher from Loupe Gallery suggested we visit Attai Chen's studio. He is a mid-career jeweler most of us know but it was nice to see his studio and talk with him. He is doing some larger wall pieces as well as necklaces and earrings. They are all made of paper.

The group got really hung up at the Popeye Loves Olive exhibit which was mainly featuring Greek jewelers.  One jeweler in particular named Raluca Buzura caught everyones attention and then in the process of buying and then packing- the work is fragile since it is ceramic.... we kind of stalled out. But here is Sharon Berman modeling one of the pieces. They really were magnificent on.

We finally staggered into the last stop which was curated by Ilaria Ruggiero from Italy. It was a very political show with some good work.  She also produced a catalog with provocative images (or at least as provocative as jewelry can get).

Tanel Veenre

Tanel Veenre detail

Daria Borovkova from the series Womanhood

So at last we are at the end of the day and the bus takes us back to the Charles hotel exhausted. I had arranged for a massage and dinner in my room. I really need it.

Home sweet home.

