Munich March 2019 Day 6 and 7


I am going to wrap up this blog quickly with a brief overview of the activities on Saturday and Sunday in Munich.

Saturday morning I had some nice visits with Louise Smit and Liesbeth den Besten and then sometime in the afternoon I went back out to the Messe to look again at a few things and to see the Susan Beech presentation and then to dinner. I didn't take a lot of images so you will be spared.

I thought you might want to see what caught my fancy. First up is a Lisa Walker that I was very intrigued with. It is large 13" x 14" and just a canvas with gold leaf... so basic and funny.

Then there is this Bernhard Schobinger necklace that is raw and rough and just up my alley.

And finally this Dorothea Pruhl necklace which is sculptural and fantastic. Here I am wearing it with Dorothea. I love that we both enjoy each other so much and  I have such respect for her but I can't speak German and she can't speak English.

Here is a character from the fair that day wearing a Stephen Marchetti and quite an outfit. 

 Yvonne Montoya who is the new Executive Director for AJF is announcing the Susan Beech Grant and you can see Susan Beech in the wings. 

Tiff Massey, an African American from Detroit won it this year and her acceptance speech was somewhat controversial since she pointed out the fact that there are hardly any people of color (African descent) in the field. There were however 3 Asians who just before her were announced as winners of the Herbert Hoffman Award and so a number of people took offense at her comments about people of 'color'. All I can say is that she shook things up.

The Hoffman Award is a 50 year old award named after the man who started Schmuck - I think. I don't know the names of all the winners. Sorry... but here is a photo- the three in the middle are the award winners.

Then to dinner. Same restaurant as last year and wonderful company. There were about 40 people there.

Sunday was mainly about packing and then having a breakfast with Dorothea, Andera Wippermann who was a student of Dorothea's and who volunteered to translate and then Marie Jose from Galerie Marzee joined us too. Gijs Bakker, a Dutch designer and jeweler give the traditional morning lecture at the Pinakothek. He talked about being part of the Dutch design company called Droog which he helped to start and then about his history as a jeweler. He was entertaining and it was interesting to see the full dimension of his work.

And this from the 1960s or 70s...

And with that I am going to say - so long until the next time.

