Venice Day 5


Today is the last day and we are trying to get to just a few other shows. Turns out that the two artists we are visiting both do very quiet minimal work which is a perfect ending to an amazing visit.

First we went to the Jewish area of the city.....

....for a look at the Edmund de Waal exhibit called Palms in a synagogue in this area.

There was an extension to the exhibition in another part of town. This one was also called Palsms but was about libraries and reading. He juxtaposed his ceramic work with shelves of books that have been banned or whose authors have been exiled or forced to leave their country.

We were invited to sign our names in the front of a book that meant a lot to us so I signed Lolita and de Waal's book called the Hare with Amber Eyes.

Then we went on to Palazzo Fortuny where we saw the work of a Korean artist named Yun Hyong-Keun. He does very minimal work and against the walls of the palazzo they were amazing. I have included the walls around the paintings to give you the sense of it.

And then look who else's work is here.... from yesterday? Jannis Kounellis! And don't you just love the strange white ghosty thing next to the doorway?

There is also this peaceful meditation room that is part of the Fortuny collection.

And with that we started on our way back to the hotel in the rain but found a great gelato place where we could sit down and have a little snack. After some time to work frantically on this blog and answer some emails we met for dinner in the hotel. A quiet ending to a quiet day.

Tomorrow we will be up to catch a 6:30 am water taxi to the airport. I'm sad to be leaving but I'll be happy to get back home.

That's all folks.

