London March 2, 2020


Today we visited 3 shows at the V & A museum and then an award show at the Design Museum. My favorite was the first one which is a take off of the Peacock Room by Whistler by Darren Waterston called Filthy Lucre. It is amazing and a very funny commentary on the effect of patronage and wealth on art. The revenge of the artist.

Peacock room in its glory days.

 More of the original room

And more

And then Waterston smashes the dream.

The Kimono show was next which followed the development of this garment from the earliest uses to the influence it had on Western design.  Like Japanese screens many of them are based on nature and are exquisite examples of needle work and printing on fabric. Eventually they became markers of status in the Japanese society so different designs and patterns were developed.

 Summer kimono - very light weight material

Notice the kimono with the skeleton above being worn in this print 

And then the war came- this is a boy's kimono

Influences on Western design have shown up earlier but in the fashion world it becomes extreme.

                         Galliano                                              Look at them shoes

      Alexander McQueen

The next show was photographs by Tim Walker called Wonderful Things. Lots of fashion photos and wild fantasies ... I wasn't super interested or else I am wearing down with all the simulation so I only have a few photos but the Margaret Atwood is worth it. 

Margaret Atwood

 Tilda Swinton

And of course I couldn't leave the V & A without visiting the amazing jewelry collection. There are quite a few contemporary pieces as well as what looks like thousands and thousands of glittering crowns and every kind of bling thing you can imagine.

 Top right is a Dorothea Pruhl - one of my favorites.

 The pearl necklace in the lower left is similar to the one I have by Sam Tho Dong

All Bernhard Schobinger in the lower half- remember him?

I will spare you all the other images I took of the jewelry at the V & A and move on to the Design Museum. It is a new building. Very modern and stark - and disappointing to one Head of the British Crafts Council. But I liked it. It was open and roomy without architectural moldings, which you can't say about most places in London. 

There was a show of the Beazley Designs of the Year.

 Su san Cohn - who I know as a jeweler in my jewelry world actually was in it.. There wasn't much to see as it was more conceptual but nice to know she crossed over to the Design world.

 This was a design for a nursing machine you can wear under your bra. Hands free.

Another jeweler who allowed for wearer participation

And then we were on our way to another Ottolenghi restaurant. This one is called Rovi and is new. Another fantastic meal.

That's all folks and tomorrow will be my last blog. I had to cut the trip short due to the virus. Sadly.

