Munich July 7th, 2022


I don't have much time this morning for a post but I wanted to keep up with the daily events so here quickly is yesterday - meaning the activities of the 7th.

First I wanted to say that I interviewed Jorunn Veiteberg who is a curator, collector, teacher and writer. She recently published a book called The Jewellery Box which is told from the perspective of the collector and is really a wonderful read. I recommend it.  We had a wonderful conversation.

Jorunn Veiteberg

Karen and Michael Rotenberg rented a car and the three of us traveled around to a few locations to see shows. The first stop was a temporary space set up by Galerie Biro with the work of some of the artists they usually show.

Next, we went to Quittenbaum Gallery and the auction house.

This is the cover for a recent auction they had of contemporary jewelry

These are some of the pieces in the auction

Necklace by Joyce Scott I wish I had gotten

We had a really lovely lunch with Antonella Villanova and her assistant at an excellent Italian restaurant.

The next show was called Of Course I Still Love You... I didn't manage to find out why they chose that title but it was the work of 4 Japanese artists. 

I was taken with this work using perfume bottles and stoppers.

We stopped in at Isabel Hunt Gallery - I have always loved the design of the gallery but the jewelry there was too traditional for my taste.

Next was a couple of shows- one with Alliages - a cooperative called Until Death Do Us Part and the second show of only French artists curated by Sebastian Carre.

The following is the work of the French artists' group which comments about the environment in a  variety of ways. This first piece is made from a beer can purchased in Germany, drunk in England, made in England, and then returned to Munich for this show. It looks like hop flowers.


Recycled plastics

Ruudt Peters and Liesbether den Besten at the French jewelers show

I am now ready for dinner and the hotel dining room where I have been enjoying dinner on the terrace is having an event tonight so I had to go somewhere else. The concierge recommended Osteria Italiana which is the oldest Italian restaurant in Munich. I met Rosi Jaeger there for dinner. We ate on the covered open-air terrace. To get there you had to walk through the kitchen. 

This was the room we ate in

Rosi Jäger

So that is all I have time for today. I'll be in touch again tomorrow and then I leave on Sunday so I may not have time to do more than one more post. We will see.

That's all Folks.

