Munich July 8th 2022


This morning I gave two talks at the Galerie Handwerks as part of an Arnoldsche and AJF presentation of 4 books published in the last few years all about American jewelers. I talked about In Flux: American Jewelry and the Countercultue and North by Northwest: The Jewelry of Laurie Hall.  Matthew Drutt talked about the Eleanor Moty book and Dirk Allgaier talked about another maker who's name I don't know and didn't catch.  The audience was about a half full room which was ok since not very many people are here this year. But it would have been nice to see more. 

I thought before I start in on the rest of the day I could give you a little flavor of Munich.

After the talks, I started to try to see some shows that had been recommended to me. The first was by Karl Fritsch in an antique shop and his work was paired with some old etchings. It was really quite wonderful.

Karl Fritsch

Next I visited Ellen Maurer Ziloli who invited me for a special look at the Bruno Martinazzi pieces she has as well as a show with Norman Weber and Christiane Forester. Then we had lunch down the street at a Vietnamese place. Here are a couple of images.

Bruno Martinazzi

Bruno Martinazzi

Bruno Martinazzi

Norman Weber 

Christiane Forester

I went on to see a couple of shows that had been recommended to me. The first was the student work of a class taught by Suska Mackert and it was beautifully set up. Look at the color of the walls and the oranges and limes and lemons in contrast. The show was about food consumption.

This cabinet and silverware were made by a student for a relative with dementia to help them remember where everything went.

Next I went on to the Galerie Door where there was a show called Buckle Up and the owner went around and explained a number of pieces to me but I neglected to take photos.. sorry. I just have one of the terrace where we had a coffee.

Then I went to meet Marion Fulk for dinner at the Charles Hotel and we had a good interview for the potential book and a lovely meal.

That's all folks.

