Munich July 9th 2022


This is blog is about Saturday the last day of activities and I am writing it and sending it on Monday from Tiburon. The trip has gone way too fast. At first, time seemed to move slowly, then it got going very fast and is going way too fast. So it has been hard to do everything. But I love seeing lots of people I enjoy and looking at jewelry pieces. 

Saturday started with an AJF panel discussing collecting by young collectors. I think everyone in the field is wondering if there is a younger group of collectors or buyers of jewelry that will keep the field going. I came away from Munich this time thinking that there probably is but that the field as a whole as I knew it is slowly dying. Something is taking its place but it will be different. The marketplace will change and the kind of work that is popular or 'collectible' will change. I am watching a world I knew and helped create disappear. It is a bit sad but necessary. I look forward to what will come next. In the meantime there is still lots to see and enjoy.

First the panel. It was at the Galerie Handwerk as was yesterdays presentation. The moderator: Christian Hoedl and the panelists: Mallory Weston, Paulo Ribeiro, Juan Harnie, and Dennis Pellens. It was an interesting mix of approaches to collecting but I actually didn't find the way they got involved or the way they thought about collecting to be that much different from my generation- they still want to see things in person before buying- they want to wear things- they aren't able to convince others to be interested- etc so maybe what we need is a panel focused on the differences specifically.


Christian Hoedl has a gallery and asked me to come by for a visit so I walked over to his place for this show:

The Cech embassy featured two shows that had been recommended to me too. So I went there next. The two shows were in the basement both showing in the same space.

The following are all from Pavel Opočensky:

Adéla Wiesenbergová and Markéta Sumová


Sergei Dubovuk

Then it was a short walk past this wonderful column called Friedensengel- an angel of peace.

To the Villa Stuck where Kellie Riggs curated a show by Misha Kahn- an American artist called Under the Wobble Moon. The show was curated by Kellie Riggs.  It was a very weird show of many mediums with a strange aesthetic at least in my opinion. What do you think? To me, it isn't at home in the Art Nouveau / Art Deco setting of the Villa.

Finally, Marta Costa Reis (taking Yvonne Montoya's place since she was at home with covid) and Karen, and Michael Rotenberg presented the AJF Finalists for the Young Artists Award. They were all there except for Patrick Aaron Decker.

Mallory Weston was the Winner so she presented something about her work

To end the day and celebrate the Young Artist Finalists we had dinner at a lovely restaurant not from the Charles and in fact a place I had walked by many times. There were 25 people there which was great including all of the finalists. 

And that is all Folks.

It's been fun.

Hugs from me to you,

