Munich 2023 Day 6


This is a much quieter day. Friday morning was dedicated to talks about recent publications. Arnoldsche and Art Jewelry Forum got together to produce this series of talks.

Dirk Allgaier, the owner of Arnoldsche gave some opening remarks and introducted the first speakers

The first one was presented about Chunghi Choo and Her Students by Jane Miloch and KateBonansinga who wrote the book about her

Next Dirk presented the book that Mobilia produced for a show with Joyce J. Scott that is traveling around the country. The exhibit and book are called Joyce J. Scott Messages.


Back with MAGA and Trump...

Next was my turn to present In Flux: American Jewelry and the Counterculture and North by Northwest: The Jewelry of Laurie Hall. Two books I worked on with Damian Skinner and one with Cindi Strauss.  Toni Greenbaum asked me questions and I had answers. It was a whole scripted presentation including a video of Laurie Hall which got a lot of chuckles which I was hoping for. And here are some of the images we showed.


From In Flux, I showed the following and more.

Merrily Tompkins Snatch Purse

Merrily Tompkins Wild Oats Sewing Kit

Lynda Watson Landscape

Fred Woell The Americn Way

Fred Woell Fetish

The last presentation was for a book by Deganit Stern Schocken How Many Is One. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos of this one. Then I went out into the gallery space of Galerie Handwerk and saw the show that was up that had no name as far as I would tell. It was just some great hits.

Otto Kinzli

Gerd Rothmann

Therese Hilbert

Daniel Kruger

Dorothea Pruhl

Gerd Rothmann

Helen Britton

Francesco Pavan

Attai Chen

After that, I went back to Five Gentlemen Doing Things which I pictured in the first day of activities to help Karl Fritsch celebrate his 50th birthday.

Finally, the day ended with a wonderful AJF dinner in a small restaurant.


and that is all folks.

