Munich Day 7 and 8


I am back home now but I want to give you one more post to complete my week in Munich. This is for Saturday and Sunday. As is my usual habit I spent most of the day back at the Messe on Saturday and then on Sunday morning there is a lecture at the Pinakothek at 11 am allowing me to catch the 4 pm flight home. 

Starting on Saturday morning the PIN organization from Portugal presented their book Cold Sweat which I just love. It documents the Biennal conference and exhibition they had last year.  The images show the book and some pages from it. There were exhibitions in a cathedral, a gallery space, and an old pharmacy display. They are planning another one I think next year or sometime soon.

Back at the Messe, I spent a bit more time at Galerie Marzee.

Dorothea Pruhl

Dorothea Pruhl

Iris Bodmer

Both these two images are of the same piece believe it or not. Rezael Elman

Veronika Fabian

Warwick Freeman

Stefano Marchetti

Stefano Marchetti

Lucy Sarneel

Don't know the artist's name but this is a wonderful wall piece

This too is a wall piece. Gorgeous.

Late that afternoon on the stage at the Messe the awards were given for the Herbert Hoffman awards.

And then the AJF Susan Beech Mid-Career Artist Grant was announced. It was awarded to Khanya Mthethwa, an award-winning jewelry designer born in Kwa-Zulu Natal who currently works as an academic at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. The two finalists for the award are the Chilean artist, designer, and jeweler Rita Soto, and the Canadian multidisciplinary artist and jeweler Catherine Blackburn. I was on the jury for this and I have to say they are all amazing proposals. Unfortunately, I was too slow on the draw to get a photo of the presentation by Khanya couldn't come so there was a video about her project.

Sunday the 12th. I got all packed up and left my suitcases at the hotel to be picked up by the car that was going to take me to the airport. And then I walked over to the Pinakothek to see the Therese Hilbert exhibition.  It is very hard to take images of pieces in the show because of the reflections but see if you can pick out the jewelry between the text and the patterns and lights coming from the ceiling.

And finally the annual lecture on Sunday morning this year was given by Helen Drutt. She reminisced about her many years and how she came to be who she is. She has a great memory and tells a good story about herself. 

And that was that.  I jumped on the plane and now I am home again.

Thanks so much for following along. It was a wonderful week.

