Zurich and Lausanne September 2023


Okay, last post for this trip. It has been lots of fun. We are still in Lausanne but today we will travel to Geneva to see a couple of more jewelers and a gallery.

First...... the morning view from the hotel.

Then down to the breakfast room

This is the hotel lobby- a modern interior for an old chateau

Now we are in Geneva- this is near where the bus let us off.

We climbed up the hill to the studio of Fabrice Schaefer with a student show of work from HEAD school. It was very sophisticated and elegant.  

The gallery windows 

Student work

Professsor at HEAD- Sorry I never got his name

Look closely at the next two images and you will realize that this student is interested in presentation.

Same with this one. The uprights are files so every time you take out or return the ring to its resting place it is slightly changed by the files.

This is Fabrice Schaefer- he has retired from the school I believe but is still making jewelry himself.

This is his library of possibilities 

He uses titanium mainly

The diamonds are set in the titanium below

Fabrice's studio

Some masks at the top of the stairs leading down to the studio

Going back down the street to the bus.

My companion in image making for the blog- Linda

Caught the bus to lunch at Ristorante Da Renato

Then we went to Galerie Annick Zufferey. It is run by Annick who was trained by Esther Brinkmann who we met a couple of days ago. Her husband is Fabrice Schaefer.

Ester Brinkmann's jewelry

The above image and these two rings are so silly

From the gallery, we went into the living area of their home.

Their collection of votives

Their collection of wonderful things

They presented us with a delicious array of treats. We were all actually a bit too stuffed to eat even though we were all very tempted.

And so we come to the end of the trip. Stuffed with more good memories and new knowledge that we can digest. Tomorrow morning we all head our own ways and either on to another location or home again. I will be staying in Zurich for a few more days and Rose will be flying back home with Linda and Charlie.

Thanks for following.

