Munich 2024 Feburary 27


Not much happened today. It was designed to be an adjustment day. So all I did was do my water workout in the pool and then have lunch with AR which was great. Then in the late afternoon, I had a massage so all I have to report for today is a couple of photos and a video. Oops no video. Too big... well it was just a view of the pool which you can see in these photos from last year.

Here you go. I was slightly out of my mind when I got up at 3 am and then decided at 7:30 to swim. I was so spaced out..... but I did it.

I went to get some groceries and this is a view of the hotel on the way back.

This is the bar connected to the restaurant where I had dinner.

Pre dinner treat with hats for SC.

Thanks for hanging in there and tomorrow the real action starts. Hang on to your hats.

