Munich 2024, March 3


Well, this is my last day here. Tomorrow I fly home and I am looking forward to it. Believe me, I have had a fabulous time but I am ready for the quiet of home for a while. I have to absorb all I have seen and heard. It was a lot.

Today I had breakfast with RJ and then we walked over to the museum to see the Sunday morning lecture. A traditional event during Schmuck Week. Su san Cohn was the chosen speaker this year and although I am sure her talk was fantastic it put me to sleep. But it is my duty to show you some slides so here they are. But first I should say it is a beautiful day. Sunny and a perfect temperature.

And now to the lecture....

Petra Hölscher introducing Su san Cohn (the spaces are intentional)

After that was over.. I was in a very sleepy state but I went to Wittenbrink Gallery and  picked up the Otto Kunzli brooch I bought. Loved the fresh air.

Then after lunch, I went back to the museum to see the Sigurd Bronger exhibition. He is Norwegian and a funny guy.

Notice the famous Kunzli bracelet in this image?

And then on the way back to the hotel I ran into JV so we went to the hotel for a coffee/tea and then at long last..... up to my room. I was so tired I didn't even have dinner. Wow, that is tired for me. Went to sleep early and this morning I am all packed and ready to leave. See you soon.


