Lisbon 2024 June 28


This is a shorter day starting out at noon at the Fress or shall we say the Decorative Arts Museum. This was where we saw the great Brazilian student show a few days ago. In a separate room in the building, several galleries are set up to show their work.  The galleries participating are Gallerie Beyond, Galerie Alice Floriano, Galerie Quittenbaum, Galerie Platina and Four, Galerie Handwerk, and finally Tincal Lab.

Here are some of the pieces shown. Do you recognize some of the artists from the fairly recent Schmuck visit?

The next two images contain pieces that were a surprise. They are by Manfred Bischoff. They do have the feeling of his drawings but I haven't ever seen anything like these by him.

We had lunch again at the funny little pizza restaurant below the museum. They have a  great salad.

Then we walked uphill to Teresa Seabra Gallery. It was a trek. But we found this wonderful necklace by Verena Sieber Fuchs there.


                            The show at the gallery was by Eija Mustonten and Helena Lehtinen

And finally, we went to the Veritas Art Auctioneers to see the wonderful show that Cristina Felipe put together. It is important to get art jewelry into the auction world. I will show you a few images but if you want to see the whole exhibition go to the catalog at  It is well worth it.


        Carla Castiajo   
Diana Silva

                                                                           Lidija Kolovrat

                                                                           Manuela Sousa

                                                                             Ted Noten

                                                                     Catarina Silva

                                                                   Tereza Seabra

                                                                    Marília Maria Mira

After that, we returned to our hotel for dinner and sleep. 

Until the next time.

Hugs to you,

