Amsterdam 2024


Here we go on another packed day. Back on the bus for a 2-hour ride to CODA in Apeldoorn and then to Galerie Marzee. The gallery will serve us lunch and we will have a few hours to look around and decide on purchases and then go home to the hotel again by 5.

The countryside

CODA museum where there is the largest jewelry collection in the world... 10,000 pieces. I think that must be the largest contemporary jewelry collection.. don't you?
Carin Reinders introduces Evert Nijland who will speak later
Some of Everts new work
The show at CODA was curated by Ellen Maurer Ziloli called Gone Astray
The explanation here is good.
Carin explains the show.

Karen Pontoppidan
Myra Mimlitsch-Gray

Tobias Birgesson

Hans Stofer

Nils Hint

Karolina Hägg made with sugar.

Now back to the auditorium to hear Evert discuss his work
He does a lot of research on older objects which he showed us. Here is an image of a Cabinet of Curiosity.
He also researched images of death or reminders of it.
He was also fascinated with the relationship between the body and decorative patterns.
Using the idea of the pelvis he made this bird-like piece
He uses technology to create forms like this one which is a base for the following brooch
This is where he got the idea for the pattern on the brooch below
The brooch below- mother of pearl
The CODA museum had some of its vast collection on display too- this is Dorothea Pruhl and Andrea Wipperman - one of Dorothea's students.
Lisa Walker
Bracelet by Francois van den Bosch and I don't know who
Back on the bus

To Galerie Marzee with Stef - AJF ED pretending to greet us. 
The building
Maire-José van den Hout welcoming us
And with the help of Chequita Nahar trying some jewelry on us
Looking around the gallery
Chequita Nahar

Lisa Walker and to the right another Chequita Nahar

Linda and Stef are silly but totally cute.

So that was a long day with lots of activity and an exhausting amount of jewelry. So thanks for sticking with me until the end. 

Until the next time, there is only one more day for this trip and then a break for a week and then I will try to do the blog from the Venice Biennale.

Hugs to you,
