Munich 2024 February 28

 Hi all,

Well, yesterday was the big busy day at the fair. It is a craft fair with artists displaying their wares in booths and then in the back of the space is the famous Schmuck display. 

This year the participants were chosen by Norman Weber and I was not super impressed with the choices. But I will show you some that I thought were strange or funny or just plain great. But first a few photos of PEOPLE! a really rare concept for me and you will see there aren't that many.

That is the extent of my pledge to take pictures of people wearing jewelry - maybe tomorrow I will do better. On to the Schmuck choices.

Samuel Gassman 

Hilde Dramstad

Patricia Domingues

Anna Talbot

Laura Leyt

Tanel Veenre

Silvie Altschuler

Silvie Altschuler 

Maria Ignacia Walker Guzman from Chile "What dies next to me" daughter watching her mother die

The last two go from the humorous to the macabre. Jewelry can carry a message sometimes.

Georg Dobleer was the topic of the special show in the center of the room. Here is some of his jewelry.

Now some images from the booths surrounding the Schmuck exhibit. First of course from the Marzee booth.

Of course Dorothea Pruhl

Juliane Brandes

Veronika Fabian

Veronika Fabian

Annelise Planteijdt

Various but close up of Dorothea Pruhl

Otto Kunzli

Otto again

And again

Here are a couple of intriguing and funny pieces from a pearl show at Platina Gallery.

Frances Wadsworth Jones

Carolyn Broadhead

And from Noel Guy'omarch Gallery

Sophie Hanagarth

Can you see the flies? 

Can you see the inside of the pearls? Ambroise Degeneve

And of course Rosi Jaeger Gallery- always so tasteful.

Beate Legards 

Juliane Schölss

Johannes Nagel

Otto Kunzli

This goes with the ring above. There is a mirror in the ring that reflects the eye

And finally the Tinsel Gallery from South Africa. Three pieces from one of the owners Geraldine Fenn.

And that is more than enough for one day I think. I was kind of overwhelmed by the end of the day and so just came back to the hotel to have a little dinner in the bar. Same as last night.

Hugs to you all,
