Amsterdam 2024


This is the last day of the AJF trip to Amsterdam and environs and it has been packed with great adventures. It was very enjoyable.

Busy day on the canal by our hotel. Love the pink car.
The flower boat
The first stop is a pop-up with some well-known artists.
Katja Prins speaking about her work
 Gésine Hackenberg speaking
 Gésine Hackenberg - earlier work
 Gésine Hackenberg newer work- embrodiery 
Evert Nijland explaining his work (again)
Evert Nijland

Mieke Groot speaking to the group

Mieke Groot

Next we go to a small gallery called Mathilde - I don't know it.

But they have a very clever way of displaying work in these jars.

Fish necklace inside of display jar
Philip Sajet ring inside display dome
The window arrangement had a fun circus-like presentation
Then we went to The Pool which I wish was a pool but was a clever name for a co-op. It was an extremely small space so I am just going to show you the place from the outside. It was painted a baby blue inside.

Then we were free to wander on our own so I went to the Athenaeum book store. It is a huge place.
I sat in the front of the bookstore for a while and just took photos of the weirdest outfits that walked by.

I was also intrigued by this bicycle arrangement attached to a lamp post. Was it to keep them from being stolen or was it a sculpture?
I joined L and C for a bite to eat and while we were there this Hip Hop troupe came by and performed for everyone eating outside.
They were pretty great.

Then on the way back to the hotel, we went through the flower mart where there were tons of tulip bulbs.

Finally, there was another pop-up featuring some of the people in the group who make jewelry and a couple of other artists but it was so crowded and crazy I didn't manage to take any photos.
Then for our farewell dinner, we went to the Five Flys or d'Vijff Vileghen. Good dinner and then goodbyes.

Toasting Bonnie for a great job of organizing this amazing trip.

Well, that is it for now folks. I may post a few times from Venice in a week. Until then take care.

Hugs to you,
