New Zealand Day 8

Hi again,

So I had a few hours today to get around to a couple of more things - not much but these are the last bits and I want to present the whole trip in its entirety.

First - someone put a car in the hotel lobby pool. What the heck? is it a carpool? ha ha

Then we set out and stopped at a gallery called Masterworks that is closed on Monday…best laid plans.

Then we had lunch at MOJO at the Auckland Art Gallery which is a big museum. Across the street is the famous Fingers Gallery which was started more than 40 years ago with the cooperation of 6 NZ jewelers. It represents all the major NZ jewelers and really helped to establish their reputation.

Another grouping of Karl Fritsch rings

Another accumulation of junk by Lisa Walker..

I meet Paula Bern at the gallery and she made the small shell brooch that Sian at the Dowse gave me as a thank you gift. Like the one with the red x on it.

And last but not least the one piece I brought on the trip. This is a shell necklace from Alan Preston who is sort of the grandfather of NZ jewelers who did the closing ceremony at the Dowse conference and generally seems to be regarded by all as the elder by all. He said the cut-out shape is from a trifoil shape in a church near him.

Sitting in the airport lounge now waiting to get on the flight in a few hours.

Big hugs to all,

