London February 28,2020


I am traveling again finally after a long hiatus.

Guess where I am?

Yup I am in London for the Collect fair. I haven't been here in years but this year my friend Sharon wanted to come and Marie Jose from Marzee also twisted my arm.... so here I am pandemic and all. I just got to my lovely room at the Berkeley Hotel and am  about to go to sleep.

I am not going to write every day for this trip since it will last for almost three weeks and that is  too much for you and me both. So expect more sporadic posts.

 The Berkeley on the outside

Notice the balcony

The Berkeley on the inside

View from the balcony

After unpacking the first stop is a food market for my breakfast foods. I found a place right around the corner.

Thats all for today folks.

Tomorrow will be more exciting.



  1. I am wondering if you received my last commeny. Here it is again. Thanks for taking us along to Collect!! I am looking forward to some of the pieces that are shown there!


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