Zurich and Lausanne September 2023


Today we only visited 2 places in the morning and had the whole afternoon free. We went to Sonia Morel's Studio and then ViceVersa Gallery run by Ilona Scwippel and Christian Balmer.  They were all lovely and very helpful.

Here we are with Sonia Morel who explained about her work and was totally charming.

These next three images are Sonia's library of shapes and techniques.

Then to the jewelry.

She found a number of interested buyers.

Outside her studio

On the way to ViceVersa

Here we are at Viceversa

It was impossible to take images under some of the lighting conditions in the gallery so that is why there aren't very many. Sorry. But it was a beautiful gallery. Very well-appointed and displayed.

After a lovely lunch, we came back to the hotel and walked along the water a little bit.

After our walk, we came back to the hotel and had an iced coffee. It is still hot here.


So that is it for this short day. Delightful and not so packed with events.

Again I want to thank Linda Peshkin for taking tons of great photos and letting me use them for this blog. Thank you, Linda.

Tomorrow is our last day. I'll be back in touch then.

Have a lovely day.



